
Upcoming Events

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We have two book clubs:

The Winter Harbor Book Club, our oldest running book club, meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at the library.

The ABC Book Club (Animated Book Conversations) meets the third Sunday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the library.

For more information contact the library at or (207)963-7556.

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The Winter Harbor Public Library serves residents and visitors as a public library for the Town of Winter Harbor. We welcome guests from surrounding towns and villages.

We hold an array of programs throughout the summer months, including author guest speakers and local artists’ exhibitions. During the Lobster Festival, we hold a used book sale on the front lawn.

All programs are free and open to everyone, unless a donation is requested for a specific fundraising purpose.

Open year-round.

Closed Dec. 25 & Jan. 1 when they fall on a Tues., Wed., Fri., or Sat.. Closed on the Saturday of Lobster Festival.


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